一、咨询、签定合同及付款( before we start the evaluation of their application)
二、入学前评估文件要求 pre-evaluation
Evaluation for International Students applicants will be process in 1 or 2 months.
1、Form to be filled: Application for Admission of International Student (Ella Review)
3. Letter of intent to study
4. Copy of your Passport
5. Non Refundable Application fee
6. Original School Records (Transcript of Records, Diploma, Certificate of Graduation)
A. For NGLISH School Records should be sealed in the envelope from the school and duly signed by the Registrar/Principal
B. For other language - school records should be translated in English and have it Authenticated (red Ribbon) by the Philippine Embassy in your country.
三、评估结果等待 waiting for the evaluation
四、行前文件要求(Admission requirements)
Office hours is from 7:30am to 12 noon and 1:30pm to 5:00pm the Philippines Standard Time.
1. Original School Records (Transcript of Records, Diploma, Certificate of Graduation)
A. For NGLISH School Records should be sealed in the envelope from the school and duly signed by the Registrar/Principal
B. For other language - school records should be translated in English and have it Authenticated (red Ribbon) by the Philippine Embassy in your country.
2. Notarized Affidavit of Support and Proof Adequate Financial Support (in English)
whoever will support your study and stay in the Philippines will execute a "Affidavit of Support" and have it notarized by a lawyer. Proof of adequate financial support can be a
Bank Statement or Income Tax return of the Affiant.
3. Passport
Signature pages of valid passport.
4. Notarized Police Clearance from the country of Origin (in English)
5. Non Refundable Application Fee (please disregard if already paid)
You may send your application fee through money transfer(example: Western Union) or transfer via bank.
6. Notarized Birth Certificate or Household Registry (in English)
7. Form to be filled: Application for Admission of International Student (Ella Review)
All documents translated in English should be Authenticated by the Philippine Embassy in your country.
五、入学文件要求 ADMISSION PROCEDURE FOR INTERNATIONAL STUDENTS (Revised to take effect in April 2015)
1. Student communicates as early as possible with Central Philippine University and submits the following documents:
a. Original copy of Application for Admission and Personal History Statement
Application Form (1 copy)
Personal History Statement (1 copy)
b. High School/College Credentials (For evaluation purposes only)
b.1. High School Graduate
b.1.1. One (1) original copy of High School (Secondary) Permanent Record
b.1.2. Certificate of Graduation
b.2. Those who have attended college
b.2.1. One (1) original copy of Transcript of Records;
b.2.2. College diploma (for Baccalaureate degree holder)
Note: All school documents should be with English translation and duly signed by the Principal or Registrar of the school.
c. Copy of the biographic and signature pages of valid passport
d. Payment of $50.00 as application fee
2. Registrar evaluates the documents to ensure compliance.
3. Registrar requests for verification of school records from school last attended.
4. If records are found to be authentic, Registrar forwards School Records to the Dean concerned for evaluation and issuance of Certificate of Acceptance/Eligibility to the College.
5. Registrar issues Notice of Acceptance (NOA) if student is acceptable to the College.
6. Students will comply all the requirements for Student Visa or SSP.
7. Student pays the required processing fees. (Student Visa Application fees – 18,500.00Php*)
8. Notarized Affidavit of Support and Proof Adequate Financial Support
whoever will support your study and stay in the Philippines will execute a "Affidavit of Support" and have it notarized by a lawyer. Proof of adequate financial support can be a Bank Statement or Income Tax return of the Affiant.
9. Police Clearance from the country of Origin
10. Birth Certificate or Household Registry
11. NBI clearance (Philippines)
(Please be informed that student should carry a load of not less than 18 units every semester and pass all subjects enrolled in for that term to avoid denial of visa extension in the following semester.)
1) 完整填写的申请表格
2) 有效期为至少6个月以上的护照
3) 2张于最近6个月所照的护照规格大小的照片,能显示耳廓。
4) 亲自到场申请。
5) 录取通知书原件
6) 由菲律宾高等教育委员会签发的入学资格证书原件
7) 由所在地所属辖区的菲律宾使领馆公证的无犯罪记录证明
8) 由所在地所属辖区的菲律宾使领馆公证的体检证明(其中包括标准的X光胸透检查)
1) 由学校向外交部提交录取通知书。
2) 外交部审核由学校提交的相关材料,通过审核后,外交部将会通知其所属辖区的菲律宾的使领馆。
3) 一旦菲律宾使领馆收到外交部的通知,将会马上通知申请人带上其他的材料并受理他的申请。
4) 在签发签证之后,菲律宾使领馆将会通知马尼拉外交部,移民局,高等教育委员会,学校,国家调查局和菲律宾国家情报协调机构。
Requirements for a 9(f) student visa:
1) Duly accomplished application form
2) Passport valid for at least 6 months
3) 2 passport size photos showing earlobes and taken during the last 6 mos.
4) Personal appearance
5) Original Notice of Acceptance
6) Original Certificate of Eligibility for Admission issued by CHED
7) Police Clearance authenticated by the PH Foreign Service Post that has consular jurisdiction
8) Medical Health Certificate incl. standard X Ray also authenticated
Please also be a reminder that prior to the issuance of a student visa or 9(f) visa, approval of DFA Manila is needed.
The process is like this, assuming that all the docs were obtained:
1) The Notice of Acceptance will be endorsed by the school to the Department of Foreign Affairs.
2) The DFA will review it. Once it is OKd by DFA, it will be endorsed to the PH Foreign Service Post who has jurisdiction
3) Once the PH Foreign Service Post received from DFA its endorsement, it will inform the applicant and process his application ( together with all the requirements)
4) Once the visa is issued, the PH Foreign Service Post will inform DFA Manila, BI, CHED, school, NBI and NICA
Please prepare the following requirements for your Admission(来自学校的文件要求):
1. Original School Records(学历、学位、成绩单)
School records should be translated in English and have it Authenticated (Red Ribbon) by the Philippine Embassy in your country.
2. Notarized Affidavit of Support and Proof Adequate Financial Support
whoever will support your study and stay in the Philippines will execute a "Affidavit of Support" and have it notarized by a lawyer. Proof of adequate financial support can be a Bank Statement or Income Tax return of the Affiant. (建议存5万人民币且冻结成留学款)
3. Passport valid for at least 6 months
4. Police Clearance from the country of Origin
5. Non Refundable Application Fee of $50
6. Birth Certificate or Household Registry
7. NBI clearance (Philippines)
8. Medical Health Certificate incl. standard X Ray also authenticated
9. Duly accomplished application form
Important reminders:
1. All documents translated in English should be Authenticated by the Philippine Embassy in your country of Origin. (Red Ribbon);
2. 所有文件必须双认证。
For applicants intends to enroll in the Second Semester 2019-2020, we advise you to come in early October.
Student Visa will be processed prior to your enrollment.
I. STUDENT VISA - For International Students, 18 years old and above applying for degree courses
A. If the Applicant is in the Philippines as Temporary Visitor
Documents required for change/conversion from Temporary Visitor (9a) to Student Visa (9f):
1. Duly notarized letter request from the applicant, with a statement that all documents submitted were legally obtained from the corresponding government agencies
2. General Application Form duly accomplished and notarized (BI Form No. MCL-07-01)
3. Original copy of the Notice of Acceptance (NOA) containing a clear impression of the school’s official dry seal and a duly notarized written endorsement from the school for the conversion of the applicant’s status signed by the school Registrar
4. Original copy of Medical certificate issued by the Bureau of Quarantine and International Health Surveillance or a government medical institution with competence to certify that the applicant is not afflicted with any dangerous, contagious or loathsome disease and is mentally fit
5. Photocopy of applicant’s passport showing its biographical page, admission and authorized stay of at least 2 months from date of filing
6. National Intelligence Coordinating Agency (NICA) Clearance. The NICA Form is sent to NICA Office in Manila for evaluation and approval which requires 10-15 working days
7. Bureau of Immigration (BI) Clearance Certificate
8. 8 pieces 2 x 2 colored pictures white background taken within the last six months
9. School Credentials for admission purposes:
a. High School Graduate
a.1. Scholastic records duly authenticated by the Philippine Foreign Service Post located in the student applicant’s country of origin or legal residence or one (1) original copy of Elementary/High School Permanent Record with English translation duly signed by the Principal/Registrar of the school. The original record should be placed in a sealed envelope with the signature of the Principal/Registrar on the flap of the envelope.
a.2. Certificate of Graduation (HS Diploma)
b. Those who have attended college
b.1. Scholastic records duly authenticated by the Philippine Foreign Service Post located in the student applicant’s country of origin or legal residence or one (1) original copy of the Transcript of Records with English translation duly signed by the Principal/Registrar of the school. The original record should be placed in a sealed envelope with the signature of the Principal/Registrar on the flap of the envelope.
b.2. College diploma ( for Baccalaureate degree holder)
10. Notarized affidavit of support including bank statements or notarized notice of grant for institutional scholars to cover expenses for the students accommodation and subsistence, as well as school dues and other incidental expenses.
11. Police Clearance from the country of origin
12. Bureau of Immigration (BI) Student Visa Application fees of 18,500.00Php*
Schedule for Processing of Special Study Permit/Student Visa Applications:
April 1 - May 30 - For First Semester enrolment
August 1 - September 30 - For Second Semester enrolment
1. All requirements must be presented to the Registrar for verification and evaluation before an applicant can be issued a Notice of Acceptance.
2. Incomplete requirements will not be accepted.
3. Special Study Permit/Student Visa will be required before official enrolment.
4. Applicants are required to follow schedule of processing to avoid delay.
1. Application for extension should be filed 1 month before student visa expires.
2. International student applies for Transcript of Records at the Registrar’s Office. Please be reminded that students should carry a load of not less than 18 units every semester and pass all subjects enrolled in for that term.
3. In case of failure, dropped or left, student will be required a certification of re-admission from the Dean before the release of the Transcript of Records.
4. Student submits the transcript of records with the other required documents to the Director, Office for International Programs for processing of visa extension.
5. Student pays for all required processing fees. (Student Visa Extension Fees – 28,000.00Php*)
6. Once visa extension is approved, the Director, Office for International Programs issues the same to the student.
7. Student presents the visa extension to the Registrar for enrolment.
Schedule for Processing of Student Visa Extensions:
May 1 - 30 - For visa expiring June 15
November 1 - 30 - For visa expiring December 15
1. as for the processing of the Application for enrolment for a Foreign Students, it takes 1 to 2 months.
2. CPU has 2 semester and 1 summer class. Regular semester starts every June which is the 1st Semester. Accepting 1st year on the Second Semester depending on the subject offering the School of Graduate Studies. Admission time according to real situations, For example: Second Semester enrolment will start on November 5 and classes will start on November 12 in 2018.
3.Upon enrolment the applicants is required to took and passed the Written Exam and Interview.
4. The schedule will defend on what subject will be assigned to the students. 3 hours classes in a week is required to a 3-unit subject in a Semester for post graduate. Schedule will only be available upon the proper enrolment of the student.
5. CPU don't have a part time Doctoral Degree offered. If you enroll in a regular Doctorate Degree, it will take at least 2 years to finish the degree. Same with the masteral course. All Bachelors degree course are four (4) years course, except for the Engineering degree which are five (5) and six (6) years.
1. 本人亲自到场,携带有效期不少于6个月的护照原件及(头像页)复印件一张,身份证原件及复印件一张,护照规格的照片2张。
2. 完整填写并签名的签证申请表格2份。请用正确的英文书写格式填写表格。
3. 银行出具的1个月的流水明细,其余额足以承担申请人赴菲的旅游费用,最少不低于人民币2万元。
4. 如果申请人是去菲律宾参加短期的语言学习,请附上菲律宾学校的录取通知书原件,学费的缴费凭证(收据),学校出具的邀请函原件,阐明赴菲的目的以及在菲律宾学习期间的具体住宿的地址,并附上邀请函签署人(通常为学校负责人)的护照复印件。
5. 已经确认并付款的去程机票。(电子行程单)
6. 如果申请人仍在学习尚未毕业,则出示学校的在读证明或学生证原件及复印件。
1) 录取通知书原件
2) 由菲律宾高等教育委员会签发的入学资格证书原件
3) 由云南省外办认证的无犯罪记录证明
4) 由云南省外办认证的的体检证明(其中包括标准的X光胸透检查)
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